The health and safety of our members, employees and their families as always remains our top priority. As this highly dynamic situation evolves, we continue to monitor and adapt our approach to serve the best interests of our community as new solutions and information become available.

Based on the latest information from Gov. Inslee the earliest we could potentially open is June 15th.  All accounts have been frozen since March 27th and will remain that way.  For those that were charged between March 15th and March 26th when we were closed, we will address when we are able to re-open – our staff is at home with families and cannot access accounts.


While the clubs have been closed, we’ve taken advantage of the empty space to completely clean and sanitize.  We have been able to bring in maintenance teams and work on equipment, locker rooms and other projects.  The clubs have never looked better!


As June 15th comes closer and we have a clear indication that we can open we will send out communication again with our clear plan.  We are also talking with other fitness clubs from across the country that are opening this week for best practices.


In the meantime, stay active and healthy.  Check out the club’s Facebooks posts for workouts and tips, download our MyWellness App for daily workouts or join Les Mills On Demand for a selection of their classes.

Select your main location to Download & Register for the 425 Fitness MyWellness app:

     425 Fitness–Bothell:

     425 Fitness–Issaquah:

     425 Fitness–Redmond:

For Les Mills Access please click the link below.  Allow 24 hours to receive your activation email:


Thank you for being a valued member of our community as we navigate this challenging time together.

John Hamilton, Owner – 425 Fitness