October ‘21 Update
Hello 425 Fitness Members! It’s been a crazy year and a half – thank you to all of you who have stuck with us and welcome to all our new members. We have several things happening in the clubs and wanted to make sure you were...
Cycle Classes from Lane Erickson!
Lane Erickson has 10 Cycle Classes to Share with you!
Another Great Stability Ball workout from Master Trainer Annie!
Master trainer Annie is back with more exercises for you at home! Exercise Ball Lower and Upper Body (3 sets of 12 reps unless otherwise...
At Home Workouts! Les Mills, Silver Sneakers and TechnoGym
We know this is a hard time for all. During times like these it’s important to take care of yourself and your family – both physically and mentally. We are here to help you. If...
At Home Workout App with Technogym and 425!
Hey 425 Fitness Members, This is an invitation for our complimentary "Train at Home" initiative for all 425 Fitness Members, to use Technogym's MyWellness App to engage with you!...
At-home Exercise Ball Workout
Check out Master Trainer Annie as she uses an Exercise Ball for some great at-home uses! 1) Exercise Ball Deadbug 2) Exercise Ball Rollout on...